G7 leaders call for developing global standards for AI, it should be in line with ‘democratic’ values

Japan, this year’s chair of the G7, has been even more generous, pledging support for public and industrial adoption of AI while monitoring its risks. (Representative Image/AP)

Leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) countries on Saturday called for the development and adoption of technical standards to keep artificial intelligence (AI) “trustworthy”, saying governance of the technology has not kept pace with its development.

Leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) countries on Saturday called for the development and adoption of technical standards to keep artificial intelligence (AI) “trustworthy”, saying governance of the technology has not kept pace with its development.

Meeting in Hiroshima, Japan, the G7 leaders recognized that “the common vision of trustworthy AI and approaches to achieving the goals may differ”, they said in a statement, adding that rules for digital technologies such as AI “conform to our shared Should be “democratic value”.

The agreement came after the European Union, which participates in the G7, this month moved closer to passing legislation to regulate AI technology, possibly the world’s first comprehensive AI law that could set a precedent among advanced economies .

“We want AI systems to be accurate, reliable, safe and non-discriminatory, regardless of their origin,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on Friday.

The G7 leaders said they “urgently need to take stock of the opportunities and challenges of generative AI”, a subset of the technology popularized by the ChatGPT app.

OpenAI’s ChatGPT prompted Elon Musk and a group of AI experts to raise an alarm in March over a six-month pause to develop more powerful systems, citing potential risks to society. A month later, EU lawmakers urged world leaders to find ways to regulate AI technologies, saying they were developing faster than expected.

The United States has so far taken a cautious approach to governing AI, with President Joe Biden saying last month that it remains to be seen whether AI is dangerous. The US should consider licensing and testing requirements for the development of AI models, Sam Altman, CEO of Microsoft-backed OpenAI, told a Senate panel on Tuesday.

Japan, this year’s chair of the G7, has been even more generous, pledging support for public and industrial adoption of AI while monitoring its risks. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida told the government’s AI Council last week, “It is important to properly deal with both the potential and the risk.”

Western countries’ differing attitudes towards AI contrast with China’s restrictive policy. In April its cyberspace regulator unveiled draft measures to align generative AI-powered services with the country’s core socialist values.

Acknowledging differences over how AI should be regulated, G7 leaders on Friday agreed to hold a meeting called the “Hiroshima AI Process” by the end of this year to discuss issues of generative AI, such as copyright and misinformation. Agreed to form a ministerial forum.

The leaders also urged international organizations such as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development to consider policy development impact analysis.

The summit followed a meeting of G7 digital ministers last month, where its members – the US, Japan, Germany, the UK, France, Italy, Canada and the European Union – said they should adopt “risk-based” AI rules.

The EU and the US are also expected to exchange views on emerging technologies at the Business and Technology Council in Sweden on May 30-31.

(This story has not been edited by News18 staff and is published from a syndicated news agency feed – reuters,