Galouti Kebabs, Shami Kebabs & More: 7 Delicious Mutton Kebab Recipes That Will Make You Drunk

While many people may not enjoy mutton curry, one way that all non-vegetarians happily eat mutton is in the form of kebabs! People are unable to take their hands off the delicious and juicy kebabs. Kebab is a delicious breakfast dish that is extremely popular in North India. We Indians got these delicious snacks thanks to Mughlai recipes. Nowadays, kebabs can be made from any number of ingredients – paneer, lentils, chicken and more. But traditionally Mughlai kebabs were made from mutton. So, if you want to relish the authentic Mughlai flavour, we have a list of delicious Mutton Kebab Recipes that you must try!

Read also: Laal Maas, Tawa Mutton and more: 7 Hot and Spicy Mutton Curries to Try at Home

Here are 7 delicious mutton kebab recipes:

1.Shami Kebab

Shami Kebab is one of the most popular Mughlai dishes in the country. These kebabs are delicious snacks made from minced mutton which is cooked in several spices like red chilli, black pepper and others.

Click here for the full recipe for Shami Kebabs.

2. Meat Serves

Gosht ke sev are crispy meat nuggets made with minced mutton. Minced mutton is marinated in a ginger-garlic paste and mild spices and the kebabs are served over cucumbers and crunchy onions.

Click here for the complete recipe for Gosht Ke Sev.

Mutton Boti are juicy pieces of mutton.

3.Mutton Boti

Mutton Boti Kebabs are pieces of mutton that are marinated in delicious spices. Unlike the popular kebabs that are made using minced meat, this kebab is made with boneless mutton cubes.

Click here for the complete Mutton Boti recipe.

4. Haleem Kebab

Haleem Kebab is a delicious kebab dish which is very much liked during Ramadan. This kebab is made with steamed mutton, lentils and a mix of spices, which gives a mouth-watering taste to the kebabs.

Click here for the complete Haleem Kebab recipe.


Seekh kebabs are prepared by making them on skewers.

5. Look for the Kebabs

Seekh kebab is a classic mutton kebab that is extremely popular among Indians. Made over a tandoor, minced meat is a seasoning, which is marinated and then wrapped around a skewer like a cylinder.

Click here for the full recipe for Seekh Kebabs.

6. Barra Kebab

Barra Kebab is a unique Mughlai Kebab recipe that is a true delight. These delicious kebabs are made using lamb chops that are marinated in an abundance of spices. This kebab is a great snack for parties.

Click here for the full recipe for Barra Kebabs.

7. Galouti Kebab

Galouti kebabs are soft, mouth-melting kebabs that come from the Nawabs of Lucknow. Made from minced mutton, these delicious kebabs are often paired with “alte tav aka parathas”.

For the Galouti Kebab recipe, click here.

Try these recipes and let us know in the comments section how you liked them.


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