Ganesh Chaturthi 2022: 5 Important Lessons Your Kids Can Learn From Lord Ganesha

Ganesh Chaturthi festival is being celebrated in full swing in different parts of India. While people are engaged in fun and excitement, dancing to energetic Ganpati songs, others are busy preparing Ganesha’s favorite dish – Modak. This year Ganeshotsav begins on 31st August and the grand festivities will conclude on 9th September.

The youth, who are considered to be the gods of wisdom, especially the growing age children should imbibe these qualities in themselves so that they too can become wise and take better decisions in life.

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Teach your children on the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi these 5 important teachings that Lord Ganesha has imparted to mankind.

admitting flaws and flaws

No one on this planet is perfect, and Lord Ganesha having an elephant head and a trunk for a nose is the perfect example to teach your kids that accepting one’s flaws is the first step to building confidence.

parents your world

According to mythology, once Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati instructed their sons – Ganesh and Kartik – to circumambulate the earth three times. While Lord Kartik flew to meet the challenge immediately, Lord Ganesha, being clever and witty, circled his parents three times, claiming that his parents are his whole world. It provides an important life lesson to your children that there is no one greater than the parents and hence they should always be respected.

to be kind and courteous

It is a well known fact that Lord Ganesha keeps a mouse as his companion. This quality is essential to convince your child that he should show respect and kindness to even the smallest creatures and the poorest of people.

will not give up

You must have heard the story of that time when sage Vyasa was narrating the story of Mahabharata to Lord Ganesha. When the ink of the pen dried up, Ganesha broke his own tooth to write the rest of the story so as not to interrupt the sage. The moral of the story that you can use to teach your child a lesson is not to give up and try till your last breath, taking whatever you have.

Have a little patience:

Devotees usually share their deep sorrows and troubles with Lord Ganesha as the deity is considered to be a great listener. Therefore, by pointing to the deity’s long, slanted ears, you can explain to your children the importance of being a good listener and being more sympathetic to people.

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