GAVI welcomes India’s move to restart Covid vaccine exports

GAVI, a global coalition for vaccines against coronavirus, welcomed India’s move to resume exports to the rest of the world.

A spokesperson of GAVI, quoted by news agency ANI, said that we welcome reports that India has to resume exports of Kovid-19 vaccines to the rest of the world.

“This can have a significant positive impact on health security both in India as well as globally,” the spokesperson said.

GAVI had earlier criticized India and Serum for prioritizing its needs to the rest of the world despite supply commitments.

The spokesperson further said that our priority right now is to engage with the Government of India and Serum Institute of India to understand how this will impact our supply programme, as we race to protect more and more vulnerable people from COVID-19. .

GAVI is in alliance with Covax, a WHO-led initiative to distribute vaccines equitably to poor countries.

After restricting exports for more than a year due to a supply crunch, the government on Monday announced that India will resume exports and donations of additional vaccines from next month.

The move was taken in the wake of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the US, where the issue is likely to be taken up by President Joe Biden.

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