‘GenZs today is facing lack of awareness of what’s next’: Viral Fission founder

Amid the rise in the Internet of Things (IoTs), social media, artificial intelligence, etc, Gen-Zers — defined as those born between 1996 and 2009 — are confused about what they need to do in life and how to proceed towards getting a sustained professional future. Viral Fission’s CEO and co-founder Shreyas Hegde shares his views on Gen-Zers’ perspectives, adding what his firm is doing to address their concerns while speaking frankly with LiveMint.


1) What are the most common issues that GenZ faces? How do they approach Viral Fission and what are their concerns?

Shreyas Hegde: One of the major problems that Gen Zers today is facing, is the lack of awareness of what’s next. They are precisely confused about what to pursue after their graduation, and that confusion makes them miss out on a lot of opportunities, and experiences.

With Viral Fission, we have dealt with this by introducing, “All About You” where students get an opportunity to be a part of Viral Fission’s Student Ambassador Program through which they get an opportunity to work with multiple brands on their respective brand’s campaigns. This not only allows them to experience a variety of roles and responsibilities but also credits their work with certificates that later add to their professional work experience.

2) With networking being the key these days, how does the GenZ look at it and how much serious are they in building/maintaining real professional relationships?

Shreyas Hegde: With time, Gen-Zers have successfully gotten the grip of ‘Networking’. They have understood the importance of it and have been diligently working on getting their networking game stronger. At Viral Fission, we have created many such experiences that allow students to not only network with their peers who share the same university or campus as them, but we enable them to connect and network with those who are present in the same shared zone.

Our different IPs including, Turf, Refresher, Dive, Parallel, and others, occur frequently, which allow these students to meet, greet, and create some fun experiences together, making their networking stronger than ever.

3) As a social media platform and intermediator, how does Viral Fission come into play in bridging the gaps, esp with GenZ and big brands?

Shreyas Hegde: Viral Fission, to begin with, does not fall under the bracket of an advertising/marketing agency or an influencer marketing agency. We are a platform created for the students, bridging the gap between the brands and students, while also digitizing students and campuses across India.

Our various offered IPs including Turf, Free Hit, Awards, Collide, Placebud, Campus Vi-Fi, and many others help students network with one another, and different brands, not only online but also in person.

The network structure is built on a 3 layered pyramid structure where the students get elevated to becoming leaders and managers of the community. This not only helps in effectively managing this large community but also makes the journey much more engaging. VF has effectively channelized this energy into its offerings as a platform.

4) Speaking on the concept of changing the landscape of marketing, what new technologies (AI, ChatGPT, etc) VF is using and how?

Shreyas Hegde: At Viral Fission, we have collaborated with a South Korean company, Rezi where we have collectively provided students who are associated with the platform to avail the services of CVi.

CVi is an AI-automated CV builder that helps students enhance their resumes, further assisting them in the initial stages of their careers. While this is one of the many benefits we provide to our students, we are also actively working on platforms such as Placebud & Campus ViFi.

Placebud is our recruitment vertical where our focus lies on smart placements at scale, on the other hand, Campus ViFi, is how we are digitizing the campuses and the youth across India.

5) What is next in VF’s pipeline and how are you planning to achieve it?

Shreyas Hegde: We have products that are designed which further our objectives of becoming an all-encompassing youth platform. The upcoming offerings will span across entertainment and communication enabling us to form further deeper relationships with and between communities across the Viral Fission Platform. The platform will also have offerings across various functions like recruitment and social media in addition to marketing for our clientele.

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Updated: 17 Jun 2023, 09:00 AM IST