German foreign minister tests positive for Covid-19 in Islamabad – Times of India

Islamabad: Annalena barebok, GermanyThe Foreign Minister of India canceled all his appointments after he tested positive for COVID-19, hours after arriving in Pakistan on Tuesday.
Ahead of his COVID test, he held talks with his Pakistani counterpart Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, after which the two addressed a joint press conference.
On his arrival in Pakistan on Tuesday morning, a rapid antigen test of Bairbock was done, but its result turned out to be negative. After lunch, another COVID-19 test was done when the External Affairs Minister noticed that he had lost his sense of taste, and he tested positive this time.
Government sources said that after the development, Bilawal also distanced himself. However, he will continue with the official affairs from his residence and get himself tested for coronavirus.
Diplomatic sources said all necessary measures have been taken to isolate the top German diplomat and test all those who came in contact with him. It is not clear when she will return to Germany.
Before testing positive, Bairbock called on the international community to send a clear and clear message to Afghans Taliban that they are going in the wrong direction.
In a joint press, the German foreign minister warned of a humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan under Taliban rulers.
“When we look across the border, the situation is dire and the Taliban are leading the country to collapse,” she said. “Parents don’t know how to feed their children, girls are denied their rights to education, women are taken away from society, dissent is suppressed and the economy comes to a standstill,” he said.
“The international community must unite and tell the Taliban loud and clear that you are heading in the wrong direction,” he said. And, as long as they follow this path, there is no room for generalization and even recognition of Taliban as legitimate rulers,” she said.
There was also a program to meet Germany’s first female foreign minister, Baierbock. PM Shahbaz Sharif,