German military honors outgoing Chancellor Angela Merkel with punk rock sendoff – Henry Club

Members of the armed forces play a 1960s song containing the words “I can’t accept, can’t” during the “Groer Zappensreich,” or Grand Tattoo Ceremony — which was paraded back because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Are included. Do, I still want to win,” and the song “You forgot the color film”, first performed by East German punk artist Nina Hagen, reported Reuters.

Merkel will officially step down next week after a 16-year term. She will be succeeded by the Social Democrats Olaf Scholzo, who is expected to be sworn in as chancellor after lawmakers give the final green light.

In a heartfelt speech at the ceremony in Berlin, Merkel said her time in power had “challenged” her politically and personally.

“But at the same time, it was a deeply satisfying situation,” she said.

He thanked frontline workers for their efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic, and lauded the country’s ability to engage in constructive pro-democratic discourse over the past two years.

“Our democracy lives by our ability to engage critically with ideas and correct our paths and it lives by balancing our respect for each other and our interest in each other – solidarity. And is based on trust. .—And to rely on and rely on facts wherever scientific understanding is denied and conspiracy theories are followed and hatred is incited.

Merkel also said the pandemic has demonstrated “how important trust is in politicians, science and public discourse, and society. But also how fragile those things can be.”

He concluded his speech by saying that it was now up to the next government to “find answers that challenge us” and wished his successor the best of luck in leading Germany in the future.

Merkel, 67, grew up under communism in East Germany, and trained as a scientist, earning her doctorate in quantum chemistry before entering politics after the fall of the Berlin Wall. In the first election after reunification it won a seat in the Bundestag, the parliament of Germany.

She has navigated Germany and Europe through many crises during her tenure and is hailed as a champion of liberal values ​​and a staunch supporter of democratic values.

But while Merkel is seen as a courageous and skilful crisis manager, critics say she took centre-left positions on key topics including nuclear power, foreign policy and immigration from the conservative voter base of her own party, the CDU. has taken. There is a risk of separation.

CNN’s Fred Pleitzen contributed to this report.
