Germany appreciates India for clear G20 position on ongoing Russia-Ukraine war

Berlin, Germany): Appreciating the constructive role played by India at the recently concluded G20 summit in Bali, German Foreign Minister Annalena Bierbock has credited New Delhi for the Group of Twenty (G20)’s clear position on the ongoing war in Ukraine. . He made the remarks on Sunday ahead of his visit to New Delhi against the backdrop of the global consequences of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. During her visit, she will discuss cooperation in the transition to renewable energy and India’s relations with Russia and China. “In the final month of Germany’s presidency of the G7, I am visiting India just days after assuming the presidency of the G20. So my talk will focus on the most urgent tasks of our time – overcoming the climate crisis and upholding our rules Will also be focused. based international order.”

The German Foreign Minister said in his departure statement, “At the G-20 summit in Bali (Indonesia), India showed that it is ready to play its role on the world stage.” “The G20’s clear position against the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine is also ultimately thanks to India. As a rising economic power and a solid democracy, India is a role model and a bridge for many countries in the world, despite all It is both. Internal social challenges. And a natural partner of Germany,” he added.

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“Visiting India is like visiting one-sixth of the world. As early as next year, India will overtake China as the most populous country in the world. There is no doubt that the international order in the 21st century will India will have a decisive influence in shaping it.” Shatabdi – Indo-Pacific and beyond. And the fact that India has managed to lift more than 400 million people – roughly the same number of people in the EU – out of absolute poverty in the past 15 years is impressive.

“The Government of India has set ambitious goals not only for itself in the G20 but also for its people.” Germany stands with India,” the German minister said.

He said that Germany wants to strengthen economic, climate and security policy cooperation with India beyond just strategic partnership. “I will also sign a mobility agreement in New Delhi that will make it easier for our people to study, research and work in each other’s country.”

Cooperation in energy transition away from oil, coal and gas will also play a role during the two-day inaugural visit. On Friday, the German Federal Foreign Office said Bierbock would visit projects for renewable energy and sustainability in the rural environment of the capital New Delhi. The Russia-Ukraine war and its aftermath, besides India’s ties with China, are likely to figure in Barebock’s talks with his Indian counterpart External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar.

The German Foreign Office said the minister would also visit the Election Commission of India. Meetings are also held with representatives of civil society and non-governmental organizations working for women’s rights. The spokesperson said the minister will also participate in a trilateral India Forum of the Transatlantic Foundation German Marshall Fund on cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region.

The Forum is an annual meeting of American, European and Indian experts in politics, think tanks and business at various locations. It has developed into a leading forum for transatlantic and European dialogue with India. India, the world’s largest democracy, took over the presidency of the G20 group of major economic powers on 1 December.