Germany: Germany’s seven-day Covid incidence rate rises to record high – Times of India

Berlin: GermanyThe incidence rate, measuring the number of new coronavirus infections per 100,000 people over the past seven days, rose to 201.1 on Monday, a record since the pandemic broke out more than a year ago.
data published by germany Robert Koch Institute (RKI), surpassed the previous high, which was reached at 197.6 on December 22, 2020.
While many more people have jab in the country than last year, the vaccination rate has stagnated at less than 70 percent, with officials requesting the population to get the jab in the last days.
“The risk of getting infected in the coming months is high for non-vaccinated people,” the RKI chief warned. Lothar Weiler on Wednesday.
in the eastern state saxony, where the incidence rate is more than double the national average at 491.3, with unaffiliated people facing new restrictions from Monday.
Access to indoor dining and other indoor events will be limited to those who have been fully vaccinated or can show evidence of recovery.
The new rules are the toughest state-wide restrictions in Germany against non-inoculated people. Only children as well as those who cannot get jobs due to medical reasons will be exempted.
The rise in German affairs has put the country in a political limbo after the September general election.
Incoming coalition parties aiming to form a government by early December have so far denied the mandatory moratorium and said there would be no new lockdowns – at least not for vaccinations.
