Germany’s alliance dating game starts to get serious – World Latest News Headlines

An unstable coalition would be a significant change from a long line of post-war governments.

Typically, one faction, either the conservative Christian Democrats and their Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union, or the Social Democrats, was clearly dominant in alliance with the much weaker, dependent parties, which worked hard but enjoyed little glory. . For the past 12 years, there has been a “grand coalition” between conservatives and social democrats, held together in large part by the popularity and authority of Chancellor Angela Merkel.

“The system was very conservative, but it always produced a stable match,” said former US ambassador to Germany John Kornblum, who has lived in and out of Berlin since the 1960s. But these days, he points out, “monogamy” Not an option anymore.”

The two main parties have no appetite to work together again, with Ms Merkel retiring, and neither party won 26 percent of the vote, giving the Free Democrats and Greens more gains than ever. Mr Scholz needs both to win a majority in parliament, but he could walk away at any time and instead go with the Christian Democrats, who have indicated they are still available.

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