Get Brad Pitt’s Chiseled Body From Fight Club

Last Update: March 05, 2023, 13:55 IST

Brad Pitt’s spectacular physique in Fight Club boils down to a low body fat percentage and a high percentage of lean, strong muscle mass.

Brad Pitt’s Fight Club was released in 1999. But even after 23 years, fitness enthusiasts can’t get over Brad Pitt’s amazing physique.

David Fincher’s landmark film established Pitt’s perfectly toned body as the gold standard of male physicality.

From Pitt’s chiseled chest to his solid shoulders, toned arms, V-shape cut in the lower abdomen and washboard abs, every aspect of his solid body has inspired millions.

Brad Pitt’s spectacular physique in Fight Club boils down to a low body fat percentage and a high percentage of lean, strong muscle mass. It’s a tough balance, but get it right and you’ll not only look good, but feel good, too.

Not many people know that everyone has abs, but you just need to gain some lower body fat to see them. Reportedly, Brad Pitt gained around 5% body fat for his role in the iconic film, which is why his muscles look so well defined and solid.

Pitt managed to draw attention to his awesome muscle tone by insisting on trimming back the fat to reveal his muscles rather than muscle size.

If you follow an intense workout plan with determination, you can even get a ripped body like Tyler Durden from Fight Club.

Brad Pitt had to train six days a week, with two days devoted to cardio training. Reports suggest that Pitt focused on different muscle groups four days per week (pecs on Monday, lats on Tuesday, and so on). This allowed him to effectively sculpt all areas of his body. In addition, Pitt also followed a strict diet, consuming protein shakes and whole foods several times a day to aid in the development of his muscular body.

The important thing is to eat only the carbs your body needs for intense workouts and eat a diet rich in protein, which is essential for building and repairing muscle. You should also note that the worst thing for your abs is alcohol because excessive drinking will make you eat more.

Having low body fat and lean muscle isn’t just about looking good. It will make you feel mentally and physically healthier, stronger and more comfortable with yourself.

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