Get Rid of Soap, Here’s “How to Clean a Cast Iron Skillet with a Secret Ingredient”

We love to eat mouth watering food. Some of us even enjoy cooking and sharing them. But how many of us enjoy doing the dishes and washing the dishes after cooking? Many of us do not like this unavoidable task in our kitchen. Sometimes, it’s because we’ve been doing it all wrong for so long. Many of us complain that our cast iron skillets don’t last long or that they don’t clean properly. Well, there are high chances that we are using regular dishwashing soap and scrub to clean the pan.

But what if we told you that you don’t need to use soap to wash your favorite cooking utensils? Yes, you read that right! Take a look at this cleaning hack.

An Instagram page named ‘brunchwithbabes’ shared tips on washing a cast iron skillet through a video. The right path appears to be a veiled mystery. The caption read, “How to clean a cast iron skillet with a secret ingredient!!!”

Here are the steps explained in the video:

1. No soap

The basic rule behind cleaning the pan is not to use soap. Traditionally, soaps wash away grease and can remove seasoning from the inner surface of the pan. This is known to be detrimental to the quality of the pan.

2. Sprinkle Salt

Use a good amount of salt instead of soap to clean the pan. Coat the pan with salt and distribute evenly.

3. Use Potatoes

Remove the regular scrubbing pad. Instead, just take a potato and start scrubbing the salt-coated pan with it. Potato peel helps us to clean the cracks in the pan.

4. Use a Coffee Filter

After scrubbing the pan with potatoes, clean it with coffee filter paper. It is preferred to paper towels or other cleaning papers because coffee filters do not flush.

5. Rinse and Dry

The next step is to rinse the pan with tap water. After washing it pat dry with a towel.

6. Heat the Pan

One pro tip about cleaning the pan is to heat the pan. If it is not already hot, place the dry pan on low heat.

7. Pour Oil

Pour some oil into the heated pan and coat the surface with a thin layer. Use a paper towel to spread it evenly over the surface.

8. Storage

Store it in a dry place until the next use.

Here’s the video:

This cleaning hack can help us clean a cast iron skillet better.


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