Ghulam Nabi Azad’s new innings energizes J&K’s political space after Article 370, talks of December elections lead

The politics of Jammu and Kashmir, which was being termed as “frozen” in the last four years, has been revived with the new innings of Ghulam Nabi Azad after his resignation from the Congress.

Azad’s decision to launch the party in Jammu and Kashmir has not only created a stir in the political circles but has also raised the possibility of holding the assembly elections earlier.

While the widespread belief is that elections to the assembly – suspended for the past four years – will be held next year after a new electoral roll is counted this November, many believe that the elections could be held in December.

Union Home Minister Amit Shah is visiting Jammu and Kashmir later this month. Shah is holding two rallies in Jammu’s Chenab and Pir Panjal areas and one in north Kashmir, an indication that elections in Jammu and Kashmir may be held after an inordinate delay.

enticing communities

To keep pace with the hills, Shah’s Chance Grant of Scheduled Tribe (ST) status to the community. The Pahari people have always been battling a deep blow for their exclusion from the tribal status that gives reservation to the community in jobs and education.

The other tribe, the Gurjars, have been enjoying the status for decades, even though both communities face similar challenges such as remoteness and education, health care and civic amenities.

The BJP hopes that by granting Scheduled Tribe status to the hill population, the community will support the party. Several community leaders have already joined the party and many have recently met the Home Minister over the issue of ST status for the community.

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As per the new delimitation exercise, nine seats have been reserved for STs, majority of whom are from Jammu region.

Election planners of the BJP believe they are well ahead in the plains of Jammu, where the majority will remain loyal to the party and provide a decisive lead in at least 30 of the 43 seats. In 13 others, he hopes tribals will help.

political reactions

Azad’s entry into the political arena of Jammu and Kashmir is watched with great interest, whether arithmetic has been fruitful for the BJP or not.

In his 2.5 years as chief minister since 2005, Azad is best remembered for completing some big-ticket development projects in Jammu and Kashmir, besides introducing a work discipline in government offices. His strict action on human rights violations was admired even then and he is remembered even today.

Except his own party in Kashmir, no political organization – be it the National Conference, PDP or BJP – has targeted Azad. In fact, NC chief Dr Farooq Abdullah said he would be happy to accommodate Azad if he wanted to join his party.

Azad returned praise at his first rally in Jammu. PDP president Mehbooba Mufti, otherwise outspoken on the issues, has so far not commented on Azad.

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However, its party led by Altaf Bukhari has been targeting Azad from day one, alleging that he has been entrusted with running the BJP’s agenda. Like Bukhari, some sections believe that Azad has been pitched to help and strengthen the BJP by dividing the Muslim vote in the mixed populated areas of the Chenab and Pir Panjal valleys. They say that the motive is to divide the votes of Muslims and hand over the benefits to the BJP.

Azad and his camp have not responded to these allegations, knowing that his image will not be tarnished.

Azad’s appeal

freeHaving been in public life for the last five decades, both the regions of Jammu and Kashmir are acceptable even though he considers Jammu as his political ground. This is the reason why when he left the oldest party 10 days ago, a larger number of Congress leaders from Jammu went in his favor as compared to Kashmir. Azad is expected to form his new party soon after holding several rallies in Jammu and Kashmir over the next weekend.

But he has already given a broad indication of what his party’s agenda will be: “I will focus on my work and you will focus on yourself. I’m not bothering anyone.”

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Since the repeal, the BJP has been saying that they have got rid of the rule of Abdullah and the Mufti family. Both the Prime Minister and the Home Minister have spoken about it frequently and made it clear that they do not want family rule to return to Jammu and Kashmir.

Whether Azad is being projected as an alternative to regional players and family rule will be clear in the coming weeks. However, he is clearly seen as the best bet for Delhi, which is acceptable to the people of J&K as well.

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