Girl asks police to run DNA test on Christmas cookie to prove Santa Claus’s existence

The girl wrote a letter to her local police department demanding a DNA test

At some point, most kids question whether or not Santa is real. One girl in Cumberland, Rhode Island, who had a similar suspicion, finally decided to do something about it with the help of science. She requested the local police department to run a DNA test on the evidence to prove the existence of Santa Claus.

According to npr10-year-old Scarlett Doumato wrote to her local police department demanding that food particles from leftover carrots and cookies be formally tested for DNA to prove the existence of Santa Claus.

“I took a sample of a cookie and carrot that I left out for Santa and the reindeer on Christmas Eve and I was wondering if you could take a DNA sample and see if Santa is real?” The girl wrote. They then sent the ‘evidence’ to the state health department’s Forensic Science Unit for analysis.

The police department had the sweetest response to the little girl’s request, and even shared photos of her letter and ‘evidence’ on Facebook. Police Chief Matthew Benson said he has sent the girl’s evidence to the Rhode Island Department of Health for analysis to check for possible DNA traces from Santa, comparing it to Santa’s reindeer bite marks on file.

View the post here:

”Earlier this month, a young investigator from the city of Cumberland submitted the attached letter requesting DNA analysis on the remains of a partially eaten cookie and carrot on the morning of December 25, 2022, for possible DNA evidence of Santa Claus . (aka, Kris Kringle, aka St. Nicholas, aka St. Nick) and/or one of his nine reindeer,'” the post reads.

The post further read, “This young lady clearly has a keen grasp for the truth and the investigative process and has done a tremendous job of piecing together her evidence for presentation. We will do our best to answer for her.”

The Cumberland Police Department said it is awaiting test results, and asked residents to stay tuned for more information.

”While the Cumberland Police Department awaits test results, the department has been in contact with this prospective CPD detective and has provided him with some already uncovered evidence in support of a Santa Claus presence in his neighborhood on the night of December 24, 2022 is,” the police department added.

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