Give Eggs a Delicious Homemade Makeover With These 7 Protein-Packed Breakfast Recipes

Many of us like to eat eggs for breakfast. Eggs provide a boost of essential protein in the morning. Even when it comes to desi breakfast ideas, there are many dishes that can be cooked with eggs. You can make eggs in a variety of creative ways using a wide range of homegrown spices. Besides being delicious, they are quick to prepare, filling and high in protein. So, if you are looking for some desi breakfast with eggs, look no further. We have compiled a list of 7 Desi Egg Recipes for you. With these, you’ll be on your way to making something delicious with eggs.

Here are 7 desi egg recipes that you can make for breakfast:

1) Desi Masala Poached Eggs

This is the easiest egg recipe which will come to your rescue during morning rush while getting ready for work. You will just need ingredients like onions and coriander along with some spices and you are good to go. This recipe gives you the opportunity to prepare a good Breakfast in minimum time.

2) egg paratha

Parathas are the staple breakfast of many people. The soft and flaky flatbread topped with a dollop of ghee is irresistible. So, if you are a paratha lover and want to give it a makeover, you can do so by adding eggs to it. it desi recipe This will not only satiate your thunderstorms but will also keep you full for a long time.

(Also read: 5 Palak (Spinach) Breakfast Recipes for Warm Winter Mornings,

Egg Paratha is a nutritious and delicious breakfast.

3) Railway Omelette Sandwich

Apart from all the other essential nutrients, eggs are full of energy which keep you active for a long time. Therefore, it is always good to start your day early. egg dish, Railway Omelette Sandwich can be made in just 10 minutes. Simply make an omelet in a pan and place it between two toasts of bread, and your railway omelet sandwich is ready.

4) Mumbai-Style Egg Bhurji

Eggs are versatile and can be relished for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Egg Bhurji is a wonderful breakfast option that perfectly balances the flavor and the right amount of spices. This classic Mumbai style egg bhurji can be paired with butter pav.

5) Mutta or Egg Dosa

It is a popular South Indian breakfast dish consisting of eggs mixed with dosa. Mutta Dosai is a food in itself and has no accompaniment. Trust us, this crispy delight is what you’ll want to indulge in in the morning after waking up. It’s healthy and tempting in every way.

(Also read: 9 Delicious and Delicious Breakfast Recipes You Must Try,

egg dosa

Egg dosa is a tempting treat that one cannot resist.

6) Mughlai Paratha

Parathas are the best thing to savor when you are looking for a filling and delicious snack. Mughlai Paratha, which is a popular dish In West Bengal, it is delicious and consists of a generous amount of eggs mixed with spices. Mix it with your favorite chutney or curd and enjoy.

7) Masala Omelette

If you are bored with your regular morning bread and jam or bread and butter, then try this dish. Add a delicious masala omelet to your breakfast. It has a classic mix of Spices And you can eat it with roti too.

This list of desi egg breakfast recipes has it all. The dishes are simple to prepare, high in flavor and well worth your effort when you sit down to eat. Take your pick from this list and get cracking.