Global competence centers drive change for parent companies

Global Competence Centers (GCCs) in India have come a long way, backed by an enabling environment of talent, policy support and robust infrastructure. From its humble beginnings as a process hub, GCC is today driving the transformation agenda of its parent organizations.

Working swiftly with innovation and delivering innovative ideas, GCC in India can be expected to become a hub of efficiency, innovation and cutting edge practices in the years to come.

Today, their presence spans across sectors including banking and financial services, healthcare, electronics and energy. As GCCs take on new roles to support their parent organisations, their distinctive differentiator remains their workforce. Talent will define how well equipped GCC are when it comes to carrying out their transformation agenda.

From Process Center to Transformation Hub: This wasn’t always the case. Given the cost arbitration advantage in India, GCCs started out as operative process hubs in India. As India presented opportunities for growth and investment, the GCC was at the forefront of one of the world’s largest markets. This led to a change in role as GCCs were uniquely positioned to recognize early trends and conceptualize new products and services. When positioned as a solution to outstanding business challenges, the work delivered by GCC in India makes for global impact and strategic advantage.

What initially started as an idea for an operative process hub has grown into centers of excellence driving innovation and ideas from India for global companies. Given the nature of the industry, it called for investment in talent and their skills and upskilling.

To understand this a change of gcc should be considered. By providing simple back-office support, GCCs today are true “business partners” for their parent organizations. The pandemic and the changes it has brought about only focus more on GCCs delivering efficiency and effectiveness as a resilient, innovative, and adaptable organization. their organization. This essentially means that the GCCs themselves are undergoing a digital transformation to grow into true business partners.

Without the right talent, GCC’s digital transformation will be in jeopardy.

Learning and Growth for Change: For GCC, the journey of learning and development must be inclusive and across the organisation. On the one hand, digital skills training—be it in full-stack development, software engineering, cloud, analytics, etc.—should be provided to the entire workforce.

On the other hand, re-skilling and continuous learning through periodic assessment of individual abilities to identify gaps in skills would also be of great help. Developing specific focus areas of talent will help strengthen the skill set and potentially prevent arrest.

While organizational change through learning and development is important, central leadership should be given special attention. This is because this group of leaders needs to change from focusing on process compliance to innovation and driving ideas. Here, a change in mindset and the incorporation of leadership competencies are important upskilling components.

Much of this will revolve around taking a proactive approach to problem-solving, having a sound understanding of global and local aspects in terms of business viability and the ability to use technology for greater efficiency.

It also calls for a good understanding of what makes for a customer-centric organization.

Overall, there should be a change of mindset with learning and development programs that mix the “why” and “how”. The “why” is about the results, which is the overall transformation of not only a skill provided but the workforce, and the “how” is the most efficient way to generate those results. This not only builds skills and competencies but also develops capabilities for a specific role.

These are actually “transformative competencies”, and without these fundamental competencies, talent cannot be transformed. Implemented at the business unit level or organizational level, talent transformation programs implemented using program charters, change management and curriculum improvement can truly transform the talent of an organization. in their new role as local centers of excellence and innovation.

Bimaljit Singh Bhasin is the Chairman, Skills & Career Business (India) at NIIT Limited.

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