Glow with Confidence: Expert-Recommended Karwa Chauth Skincare Routine – News18

Karwa Chauth is more than just a date on the calendar; it’s a day filled with deep emotions, anticipation, and meticulous adornment. On this special occasion, where your inner radiance should shine as brightly as your outer beauty, Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to skincare. We’ve gathered insights from skincare experts to help you prepare for Karwa Chauth and achieve that glowing, confident look.

The Ayurvedic Approach: Kumkumadi Elixir

Shreedha Singh, Co-founder of T.A.C, The Ayurveda Company, says, “Ayurvedic skincare emphasizes simplicity. Instead of complex routines, focus on essential ingredients that do it all. Kumkumadi, an Ayurvedic beauty elixir, is perfect for a refreshing cleanse.”

Kumkumadi-infused products or a Kumkumadi facial can brighten your skin and give you a flawless complexion. This magical elixir works wonders on signs of aging, leaving you with a youthful, radiant appearance.

Superfood-Infused Skincare for Radiant Skin

Dolly Kumar, Cosmetic Engineer, and Founder, Skinella, “For those who desire supple skin and a radiant face, incorporating superfoods into your skincare routine is essential.”

Papaya is an excellent superfood to nourish your skin and provide radiance. Mix blended papaya with honey and yogurt to create a face mask that deeply nourishes your skin. “Honey and oatmeal scrub works wonders for exfoliation. Simply mix honey with ground oats, apply it to your face, and gently rub it in a circular motion for radiant skin. Cucumber can help revive dull and dehydrated skin and add a youthful glow,” opines Kumar.

Holistic Skincare: Nourishing from Within

Palak Midha, Co-founder, Miduty, says, “A holistic approach to preparing your skin for Karwa Chauth is essential. Start with a liver detox to encourage clear, smooth, and problem-free skin.”

To maintain skin suppleness and reduce inflammation, integrate omega-3 fatty acid-rich fish oil capsules into your routine. “Drinking matcha green tea daily can help protect against free radicals and slow down the aging process. This comprehensive skincare regimen not only ensures dazzling skin but also promotes overall well-being,” adds Midha.

Bold Makeup Choices for the Special Day

Hitesh Dewett, Training and Artistry Manager, Swiss Beauty, says, “When it comes to eye makeup, Karwa Chauth is the time to be bold. Opt for a two-toned eye makeup style that draws attention to your best features.”

Bright colors can outperform the typical brown or black smokey eyes, adding a unique touch to your look. “For a clean and precise finish, use a cotton swab to remove any extra product from the skin. While red lips are a classic choice, consider a fuchsia pink shade to complement your vibrant clothing this time. Alternatively, explore options in burgundy and mauve for a more subdued look,” adds Dewett.

Radiate Confidence on Karwa Chauth

This Karwa Chauth, follow these expert recommendations to achieve a radiant and confident glow. Ayurveda, holistic approaches, bold makeup, and superfood-based skincare will help you shine with confidence on this special day. Remember, the beauty within you is just as important as the beauty you showcase on the outside.