Going vegetarian may prevent cognitive disabilities in old age: Study

India probably has one of the most diverse food cultures, with regional differences in trends ranging from spices to meat or plant diets. People are now discovering different food habits in an attempt to lead a healthy life. Vegetarianism is becoming increasingly popular with several studies and reports suggesting that a plant-based diet has some health benefits, and is climate-friendly.

A recent study conducted by the University of Barcelona (UB) and CIBER on Flirty and Healthy Aging (CIBERFES) reiterates that a plant-based diet can reduce the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia in old age people. Bracket. Study lead author Christina Andres-Lacueva said, “High consumption of fruits, vegetables and plant-based foods provides polyphenols and other bioactive compounds that may help reduce the risk of cognitive decline due to aging. “

Conducted over 12 years, more than 800 people over the age of 65 participated in research that was published in the journal Molecular Nutrition and Food Research. Alzheimer’s, a common disease among the elderly, can be prevented with healthy lifestyle and dietary changes, as well as other forms of dementia, the study said.

According to Miria Urpi-Sardi of the Department of Nutrition, Food Science and Gastronomy and CIBERFES, the results of the study demonstrated a significant association between cognitive impairment in elderly people and polyphenol-rich foods such as apples, cocoa, green tea, blueberries. , oranges and pomegranates.

A plant-based diet includes not only vegetables and fruits but also nuts, legumes, seeds and oils.

According to Merke Pallas, professor in the Faculty of Pharmacy and Food Sciences and member of UB’s Institute of Neurosciences (UBNuro), studying the relationship between cognitive impairment and polyphenol-rich foods is essential to developing preventive and therapeutic strategies. that help take care of cognitive health.

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