Good Friday 2023: Jesus Christ was crucified; why is it called such a sad day

Image source: Freepik Good Friday 2023: Jesus Christ was crucified

Good Friday 2023 is an important Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. According to New Testament accounts, Jesus was arrested, tried, and sentenced to death by Roman authorities for blasphemy. He was then made to carry a cross to a hill called Golgotha, where he was nailed to the cross and left to die. This event happened on a Friday, which is now known as Good Friday.

For Christians, Good Friday is a solemn and somber day celebrated with reflection and contemplation. Many churches hold services that focus on the suffering and death of Jesus Christ. Special prayers, songs, and Bible readings are just a few examples of traditions. In some places, Christians take part in processions that symbolize the journey of Jesus carrying the cross to Golgotha. The atmosphere is generally subdued and solemn, with a sense of mourning and sadness.

Although the name ‘Good Friday’ may sound contradictory, it is believed to have originated from an older name ‘God’s Friday’, which refers to the pious nature of the day. Over time, the name ‘Good Friday’ came to be used, possibly because of the belief that Jesus’ sacrifice was good news for humanity, as it paved the way for salvation and eternal life. The crucifixion was a cruel and painful death, but it was also a necessary step in God’s plan for salvation. In this sense, the crucifixion was “good” because it opened the door to eternal life for believers.

Another explanation is that the word “good” in the phrase “Good Friday” refers to the original Old English meaning of the word “holy”. Consequently, Holy Friday is another name for Good Friday.

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