Google Chrome is getting a ‘Privacy Guide’ feature: What it means

Being an Internet user requires a biological vulnerability as your data is collected to further personalize your user experience. However, in the long run, this data collection may turn out to be a curse rather than a boon. This is why people are becoming more aware of the importance of data privacy, Due to the domino effect, the tech giants that collect our data are making modifications to suit the needs of the user base.

Google Chrome, the most used web browser in the world, is now allowing users to have more control over their privacy settings and providing a new view into the elements of data that are likely to be collected, and all that , at the same time, reports Techdows. First, let us look at the steps to activate and access the Privacy guide on Google Chrome:

Phase 1: Open Chrome on your Android phone

Phase 2: Type ‘chrome://flags’ in the address bar and hit enter

step 3: Scroll to locate ‘Privacy’

step 4: On clicking on it, you will see the option of ‘Privacy Review’ in the drop-down menu that appears. Select ‘Enabled’ if not activated. Restart the browser.

This feature will be a platform through which you can review your privacy settings and choose what your browser is sending to the servers of the company that collects the data. When you expand into the ‘Privacy Guide’ option, you will see an option titled ‘What you share with Google’, which will allow you to control your data.

This feature also claims to improve your browsing and searches. However, the recently introduced ‘Privacy Guide’ feature is still in the works and may become more efficient and full of options over time. Or, the company may pull the plug on the feature altogether if it doesn’t add any value to the overall user experience. Recently, the company issued a notification-cum-alert asking its users to update their Google Chrome to use the sync feature. Once the company rolls out its M96 stable version, users browsing on the older version will have to miss out on a variety of features.

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