Google Chrome new update offers fix for major security issue: Get it now

Google Chrome on PC is getting a significant security update this week, and all Windows, Mac, and Linux users should update to their latest version of Chrome immediately. It is important that you update because any vulnerable can be attacked remotely, which is always a big concern for consumers and businesses.

Google isn’t giving all the details about the security issue that demanded this update, but users should get the new version in the coming days and weeks. Google has packed about 10 updates that are ready to roll out, and of these, six are classified as high severity. all details are given Here,

The remote mode of attack is possible because of a security issue affecting the heap, which is a pre-determined area on the PC where some programs store their data.

As far as the Chrome versions users need to update, the Chrome security patch for Mac and Linux users will be 107.0.5304.110 and if you use Chrome on Windows, the version you need to get That is 107.0.5304.106.107. Both the patches will be rolled out soon.

Google also used this event to thank its bug bounty researchers for helping them identify such bugs, for which the company awards based on the severity of the problem discovered and reported.

Chrome issues come to the fore regularly, and this year itself we have seen several incidents for Chrome for both mobile and PC users. Back in July, Chrome for Android reported a major problem, for which it released an update. Android phones running Chrome version 103.0.506.71 were asked to install a new patch to fix the problem immediately.

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