Google: Google Chrome 94 Released; Here’s what you should update right away – Times of India

Google has announced that Chrome 94 Stable update is finally available for all popular platforms like Android, iOS, Windows and macOS. Along with the new features, Chrome 94 focuses heavily on enhancing privacy and introduces many new security features. Google has also fixed bugs and claims to be better secure Google Chrome Browser with 19 security issues in mind.
Since the stable release of Chrome 94 is now available, it is highly recommended that users upgrade their Chrome browser to stay safe. One of the major upgrades available in Chrome 94 is HTTPS-First mode. With this, Google will warn users by showing a full-page alert when they open a website based on HTTP and not over the more secure HTTPS.
Android tablets have support for hosting desktop websites while on desktop, Google claims to have fixed 32 bugs. There’s a new sharing center with which you can copy links or get QR codes to share with other websites. You need to be signed in with your Google Account on Chrome to access this feature. Feather iphoneChrome 94 browser now supports the .mobileconfig file.
Chrome 94 also comes with new web standards aimed at enhancing the browser-based gaming experience for the users. The webcodec is expected to make cloud gaming easier and faster, while the experimental WebGPU is purported to make it easier for games to use the power of the computer than to run them in a browser.
Webcodec is an API that will allow developers to access video encoding/decoding codecs that are in conjunction with browsers. This is to make it easier to get the video stream that comes to the screen as securely as possible, with the use of WebCodecs hardware decoding.


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