Google may finally be improving the third-party app store on Android: All the details

Last Update: February 14, 2023, 19:04 IST

Android phones will soon let you use third-party apps like it should be

Google has been bypassing other app stores on Android phones for many years now but that is about to change soon.

Android 14 is still a few months away, but its developer preview is already here, giving enthusiasts a chance to dig deeper and discover new features and other tools. Android 14 is likely to bring some big changes, and one of them is support for third-party app stores.

This is correct as per the description as seen by known coders Mishal Rahman, the next Android version will finally make it easier for people to use third-party app stores on their Android smartphones. Google is adding a new API that allows developers to push updates to these app stores, which should allow apps to run securely and protect against potential vulnerabilities, it says in Post,

They claim that these updates can be installed in the background, so that you don’t have to block the phone or the app from getting updates. Android 14 will allow people to update these third-party apps from their respective app stores as long as they download the apps from the said platforms. Google has been accused of marginalizing other app stores and prioritizing its Play Store for Android devices.

But with the changes visible in the Android 14 Developer Preview, we’re hopeful that Android will eventually become an open-source platform that allows people to install apps from wherever they want.

The API is also a sign that Google is slowly but surely following through on its promises made to various adversarial bodies over the past year or so. Google has been heavily fined in the EU region and India Most recently, and since then the search giant has assured changes to its business practices in these markets.

We’re still not sure how Google plans to implement these changes and how many developers actually sign up for this new look Android mobile operating system. But this move, if it lives up to the final version, will be an interesting development in the evolution of Android. And those interested in trying out different app stores can finally get apps from these sources, without Google interfering with your choices.

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