Google takes its AI flood-tracking tool to more countries

Google expands its AI flood forecasting services, introduced for the first time India Back in 2018 in 18 additional countries in Africa, Latin America and Southeast Asia.

The company also launched “FloodHub”, a platform that displays flood forecasts and shows when and where floods may occur, so that people at risk can get the information they need directly and officials can help them effectively. be able to assist.

In 2018, the company launched its Flood Forecasting Initiative to help combat the devastating damage caused by floods.

“In the first three years, we expanded our program to cover much of India and Bangladesh, working in partnership with the Central Water Commission of India and the Bangladesh Water Development Board, to create an area with approximately 220 million people. Covered and sent out 40 million potentially. Life saving alerts,” Google said in a blogpost.

“In 2021, our operational systems were further expanded to cover an area with over 360 million people. Thanks to improved flood forecasting technology, we sent more than 115 million alerts – this is almost triple the amount we sent before,” it added.

The company has expanded its wildfire tracking program to a few more countries after launching it in the US.

Using new AI models based on satellite imagery, the company detects the extent of wildfires and searches and shows their real-time location in a map.

“Since July, we have covered more than 30 major wildfire incidents in the US and Canada, allowing people and fire teams to search and map more than 7 million views. Today, wildfire detection Now available in the US, Canada, Mexico and parts of Australia,” Google said.

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