Google will clearly label names of US abortion centers in Search, Maps

Google will now clearly label the names of medical facilities in the United States that will provide abortions in its search as well as in Google Maps. Top executives at the US tech giant informed US lawmakers that the company is taking the move to avoid confusing abortion centers with abortion centers. Earlier this month, more than 650 employees of Google’s owner Alphabet asked to provide abortion benefits to contractors, suspend donations to anti-abortion politicians, and better protect users from abortion-related propaganda and police requests. demanded.

Searching for the phrase “abortion clinics near me” will now show facilities that are verified to provide abortions, Mark Isaakowitz, vice president of government affairs and public policy for the US and Canada at Google, explained in a statement. Letter To Senator Mark Warner and Representative Alyssa Slotkin.

Isaakowitz also said that Google will let users broaden their search to find results for other important listings, including organizations that don’t provide abortions.

Google’s latest letter is in response to Warner and Slotkin dated June 17, where they urged Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai to take steps to stop misleading Google search results about abortion information.

As mentioned earlier, Alphabet . more than 650 employees in demanded That company suspends donations to anti-abortion politicians as well as provides abortion benefits to contractors. Activists also urged Google to better protect its users from misinformation related to abortion as well as police requests.

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