Google workers protest in New York, California against layoffs

Google, the tech giant recently laid off nearly 12,000 employees this January, leading many of the company’s employees to walk out this week in both the US to call attention to labor conditions for subcontracted workers and to support thousands of co-workers. protested on the beaches. ,

A rally was held on Wednesday Google headquarters in Mountain View, California, while the other took place near Google’s corporate offices in New York City, according to Bloomberg News.

About 50 employees protested outside a Google Store on Ninth Avenue in New York, minutes after parent company Alphabet Inc reported fourth-quarter results that included $13.6 billion in profit.

Alberta Devore, a software engineer, said, “Today, Google refutes its own rationale for laying off 12,000 co-workers. It is clear that the savings the company is making by laying off employees pales in comparison to the billions spent.” I have nothing.” Stock buybacks or billions in profit last quarter.”

The demonstrations were organized by the labor group Alphabet Workers Union, which does not have collective bargaining rights, and whose members include Google subcontractors as well as employees, Bloomberg reported.

In an interview, Devore has worked Google has been an AWU member for more than three years, said, “Today shows that some of the issues we’re talking about affect all workers, regardless of their actual job title or job status.” what happen.”

At the California rally, dozens of subcontractors railed against poor conditions, which they said included “poverty wages and no benefits”.

Their tasks include reviewing content to help train the company’s AI-powered algorithms, as well as screening YouTube clips and searching ads for objectionable or sensitive content. However, workers say their pay and benefits are well below Google’s own minimum standards and benefits for its direct contract workers, Bloomberg reports.

“We want to at least have some chance of survival with this job,” said Zy Snell, a subcontractor involved in the protests in California.

These lay off has sparked widespread concern and criticism, and calls for companies to be more responsible and sensitive towards their employees. While the tech industry has always been known for its rapid change and innovation, it is important for companies to be mindful of the impact their actions have on people’s lives.

(with inputs from Bloomberg)

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