Government, opposition may differ on ideology, but there should be no enmity: Kovind

The President also expressed confidence that Uttar Pradesh will soon become “Uttam Pradesh”.

The President also expressed confidence that Uttar Pradesh will soon become “Uttam Pradesh”.

President Ram Nath Kovind on Monday said there may be differences of opinion between the ruling party and the opposition but there should be no enmity between the two sides.

Addressing the joint meeting of the Uttar Pradesh Legislative Council and Vidhan Sabha, Mr Kovind said that the UP Legislature has a proud history of dignified harmony between the ruling party and the opposition.

“Sometimes, there have been unspeakable incidents that are contrary to this rich tradition. You have to try to forget them by taking them as exceptions.

“You all have to further strengthen the rich political tradition of UP, in a democracy there may be difference of ideology between the ruling party and the opposition but there should be no enmity.” animosity) between the two sides,” Mr Kovind said.

Shri Kovind said that the legislature is the temple of democracy and people consider their representatives as their own. Luck: (determiner of fate).

“The people of the state have high hopes and expectations from you, and fulfilling their expectations is the most important thing for you.

“Your public service should be covered by all citizens, whether they have voted for you or not. Therefore, it is your responsibility to work in the interest of every individual,” he said.

The President also expressed confidence that Uttar Pradesh would soon become “Uttam Pradesh”. “Uttar Pradesh will soon become a Uttam Pradesh with your efforts. When the country’s largest state achieves all the parameters of development, the country’s development will automatically be supported.”

“I hope that 25 years from now when the country celebrates the centenary of independence, Uttar Pradesh will have established itself as the leading state in India in terms of development parameters, and our country will be at the forefront of the developed countries. ,” Mr Kovind said.