Government working on rapid use of drones: Scindia

New Delhi Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia on Tuesday said the government will enable faster adoption of drone use by relaxing norms and through special schemes.

Launching a program by NITI Aayog to promote innovation in drones and its accelerated use, Scindia said that with the active participation of industry players and the government, the drone industry is set on the path of rapid growth.

“The government will enable the continuation of this accelerated drone adoption by easing drone regulations and through programs like Drone Shakti and Kisan Drone through Drone Literacy,” the minister said. Drone Shakti is a program to encourage the use of Drones as a Service and Farmer Drones. There is a government initiative to promote drones for crop evaluation, digitization of land records, spraying pesticides and nutrients.

NITI Aayog’s ‘Drone Experience Studio’ seeks to promote various drone applications, facilitate rapid adoption of drone technology and help in building a strong drone industry in the country. Through this initiative start-ups and enterprises will be able to showcase their innovation.

NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant said that this initiative will allow various government departments to experience these technologies first-hand and think about how they can be used at the grassroots level in public services.

“We have the potential to make India a global drone hub by 2030. It is imperative for us to promote the use of drones in various industrial and defense-related sectors to reap the benefits of this technology,” the minister said. The government was actively working towards making drone services easily accessible.

“India will soon see more number of industries adopting drone innovation. This will eventually lead to a revolution that will affect the lives of every citizen.”

NITI Aayog Vice-Chairman Suman Berry said that drones are expected to be important creators of employment and economic growth especially in remote and inaccessible areas of India due to their accessibility, versatility and ease of use.

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