Govt bans TRF, declares Lashkar commander Mohammad Amin as terrorist

new Delhi:

The government on Thursday banned The Resistance Front (Tarq), an affiliate of Pakistan-based terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba. As per the information of the Union Home Ministry, T are furthering associated terrorist activities, recruitment of youth through email recruitment, trail infiltration and entry into J&K from Pakistan and crackers of prescribed substances through online medium. The group came into existence in 2019 as a proxy of banned outfit Lashkar, which was involved in several activities including the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks.

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T Samjhauta is taking support of social media platforms to instigate the people of Jammu and Kashmir to join terrorist organizations against the Government of India. The Home Ministry said that Sheikh Sajjad Gul, a commander of T-Record, has been declared a terrorist under the Prevention of Action Act, 1967.

The ministry said that the activities of this organization are a threat to the national security and sovereignty of India and a large number of cases have been registered against its members and associates. According to the notification, Lashkar-e-Taiba Mohammad Amin Amin Abu Khubayb, who belongs to Jammu and Kashmir, has been declared a terrorist, who is currently in Pakistan. Khubaib is getting involved in delaying and supplying of ammunition and terror in J&K apart from carrying out terror attacks from across the border.

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