Govt may soon launch indigenous 5G technology by August to launch R&D fund

Minister of State for Telecom Devusinh Chouhan said during the World Summit of Information Society (WSIS) 2022 that the government hopes to launch indigenously developed 5G technology by August this year. In addition, he said, the Center is launching a research and development fund to finance the development of telecom technology.

Chouhan participated in the Ministerial Roundtable on ICT for Wellness, Inclusion and Resilience: WSIS Collaboration to Accelerate Progress on SDGs. This session was organized on the sidelines of World Summit of Information Society (WSIS) 2022.

The summit began on 30 May and will continue till 3 June.

On Thursday, as reported by PTI, Chouhan said, “India has developed an indigenous 4G stack consisting of 4G core and radio access network(s) designed and tested in India. Helps select, reduces cost, and enables easy expansion 5G The stack is also expected to be commissioned by August 2022.”

In a PIB statement, the Minister said that “With its unprecedented scale and growing impact on daily life, ICT is a powerful tool for a more inclusive, resilient and prosperous society today. We need more solidarity to move forward.” The expertise and resources provided by the WSIS community, collectively, help us accelerate progress on the SDGs.”

Further, he said, “India believes in the principle of Antyodaya, which means development of the people at the bottom of the pyramid, the marginalized, those living in remote areas and cut off from the mainstream.”

Chouhan said, “Six lakh villages are being connected through optical fiber cables for development of reliable ICT infrastructure. Small and remote islands and other inaccessible areas are being connected through satellite communication services and submarine cable network. Used to be.”

Talking about the high level talks on Artificial Intelligence, the Minister said that India being one of the fastest growing economies, has a significant stake in the AI ​​revolution given its disruptive nature and potential to transform economies.

Chouhan said that India has one of the largest telecom networks in the world and one of the cheapest telecom services. Last year, the Indian government announced unprecedented reforms in the telecom sector to further fuel the growth of the telecom industry, foster healthy competition, and increase access to broadband and telecom connectivity. These reforms will usher in a new era for the sector and encourage investment by the industry.

He also said that India-Japan collaboration in the areas of Open RAN, Massive MIMO, Quantum Communications, Connected Cars, 5G Use Cases and 6G Innovation will bring to the fore the strength of the two ecosystems, leading to key global solutions.

In addition, the Minister urged the Japanese industry to consider setting up their R&D centers in India. It can start with small development and can be scaled up to a full-fledged development center to meet the global requirements of the parent companies.

He said, “We have also announced a new semiconductor policy. Under this, we invite Japanese companies to partner with us. We are also looking to train 85,000 engineers in the field of semiconductor technology. Japan can be India’s knowledge partner for this purpose.”

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