by Upma Upadhyay

Residents of apartment complexes are helping security guards get vaccinated. When recruiting help, they are insisting that the new employee agree to take the shot.

Apartment complexes in the city are making every effort to ensure immunization of security guards in the premises. Not only are they conducting vaccination campaigns, but they are also educating the guards about the benefits of vaccination.

Aditi Vijay 2 Residents, Moksha Ruth Ebenezer, tells Bangalore Mirror that the security guard working in their apartment complex has been working there for five years. The guard had received a lot of false information from social media and WhatsApp, which made him stop vaccination.

“We reassured them by explaining them the science behind vaccination. Now, both his wife and he have been vaccinated as we were looking out for both his as well as his health. The residents of the apartment paid for their vaccinations,” she says.

For Natalie Sarah Nischal, resident of Poorva Palm BeachVaccination of workers on campus became even more important because she was pregnant.

“Yes, all our security guards and people helping around are vaccinated. The association itself took everyone to get vaccinated. It is very important for everyone to be vaccinated for their safety and also for our safety,” she says.

Moksh says that for now his apartment complex is helping vaccinate even those he is giving new jobs. “If we have to hire someone who hasn’t been vaccinated, we take the initiative to take them to the hospital for vaccinations,” she says.

sheba n santoso All the residents of Vaishnavi Ratnam Apartment want the security guards to be vaccinated as there is a high level of interaction.

secure conversation

“Every day when I go out and come back in, I have to interact with the security guards and come in close contact with them, so for my safety as well as their safety, I want my safety. Guard vaccinated. And while hiring a security guard I would prefer to employ someone who has been vaccinated. In my conversations with him, I would obviously like to know whether he has been vaccinated or not,” she says.

The association took everyone for vaccination. It’s important for everyone to get vaccinated for their safety and ours

-Natalie Sarah, resident of a flat

For some, it is a matter of preference. Senkalong ImchenWe are all potential carriers of the virus so it is very important to get vaccinated, says a resident of Chinnappa Residency.

“I’ll only hire a guard who hasn’t been vaccinated, if they decide to get vaccinated in a few days. But it’s only during the recruitment process that I’ll pick someone who’s already been vaccinated, Which is not,” she says.

Sandeep V says they also want to make sure the guards have good health in mind.

“While hiring guards in the current situation, we residents will require a fit and healthy and fully vaccinated security guard, as our safety and their safety is important. The guards of our apartment complex have also been vaccinated.”

One of the main reasons to talk to the guards is that sometimes vaccine hesitation can be overcome with a good informative chat.


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