Gujarat curbs on COVID; Event venues can operate at 50% capacity

The Gujarat government on Tuesday decided to impose new COVID restrictions in the state in view of the rising number of omicron cases. According to the new directive, there will be a limit on the number of people who can attend events like political, social, educational, cultural, religious events. The limit can be up to 50% of site capacity or a maximum of 150 persons.

The decision came after a COVID committee meeting.

Gujarat on Tuesday reported 7,476 new COVID-19 cases, crossing the 7,000-mark for the first time in nearly eight months, taking its total tally to 8,75,777, while three more, the health department said. The patients succumbed to the infection. , Gujarat last reported over 7,135 cases in a single day on May 17 last year. On Monday, the state had recorded 6,097 COVID-19 cases and two deaths.

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