Gujarat riots: Teesta Setalvad and Sreekumar to rehearse

It’s okay to fix life.


In the event of joining the dangerous agents of the police force in 2002

this also further

The 27-year-old case has been closed since the year 2018. A broker from Anpar Rajasthan is furious. .

These also open up in the test-processing game, the test in the study-quiz test.

Mandlik applies the case of bacteria to the investigation of Kumar and Talvad, in an effective fabrication case from the post-Godhra riots of 2002. Setalvad and Kumar got the bacteria working together with the bacteria. According to the 2002 riots, dong is necessary.

Wrong offences: Sections 468 (forgery of cheating), 471 (forgery), 194 (compounding of capital offence was wholly proved by mistake).

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