Guru Purnima 2023: Shubh Mahurat, Mantra, Puja Vidhi and Significance of celebrating the day

Image Source : FILE IMAGE Guru Purnima 2023

Guru Purnima 2023: Celebrated all over the world by the Hindus, Jains and Buddhist communities, the day acknowledges the contribution of teachers in our life. Every year, it is celebrated with a whole lot of grandeur and pomp. Guru Purnima falls on Purnima Tithi (full moon day) in the month of Ashadha. The word Guru derived its origin from the Sanskrit language where ‘Gu’ means darkness and ‘Ru’ means the removal of darkness. They guide us with their teachings and experiences, they have helped us navigate through life with our values and ethics intact. The day is dedicated to those gurus who have been the guiding light in our lives. 

Guru Purnima observes Gautam Buddha’s first sermon to the first five disciples in Sarnath in Uttar Pradesh after he received enlightenment. However, Jains and Hindus also celebrate this day to respect their teachers and their gurus. Also, Guru Purnima marks the birth ceremony of Ved Vyasa, who wrote the holy book Mahabharata.

Guru Purnima 2023: Date and Timing

People across India observe Guru Purnima on Ashadha Purnima — a full moon day in the month of Ashadha. This year, it will be observed on July 03. 

Guru Purnima 2023 auspicious time 

Guru Purnima begins – at 8.21 pm (2 July 2023)

Guru Purnima Completion – 5.08 pm (3 July 2023)

Significance of Guru Purnima 

Guru Purnima celebrates India’s tradition of ‘guru-sishya’ – a bond that binds a teacher and a student, which has now become a part of India’s culture. This is the day to thank our teachers and Gurus who have inspired us to become better versions of ourselves. According to Hindu Scriptures, the famous sage Veda Vyas was born on this day. Son of Sage Parashar, Veda Vyas is also known as Maharishi Vyas. He is considered the ancient Guru. 

 Guru Purnima Mantra 

Gurur Brahma Gurur Vishnu 
Gurur Devo Maheshwara 
Guru Sakshaat Par brahama 
Tasmay Shri Guruve Namah

How Guru Purnima is celebrated?

On this day, people worship their spiritual preceptors or gurus. They bring them gifts, visit temples and offer them respect to seek their blessings. Many even observe keep fast to show their respect to their Guru while praying for his long life. On this day, Hindu scriptures say, Lord Shiva, the first or Adi Guru of the world, gave the knowledge of Yoga to Saptarishis (the Seven Sages) for the benefit of humanity. Hence, some people observe fast in honour of their guru and seek their blessings.

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