H3N8 bird flu: China confirms first case of H3N8 strain of avian flu; All you need to know World News – Times of India

New Delhi: China confirms first known human case of H3N8 strain of avian flu in Central Henan Province on 26 April.
Here’s what you need to know about this current tense:
How did the virus cause the first human case of H3N8 in China?
National Health Commission of China (NHC) said a 4-year-old boy living in Henan province had tested positive for the strain after being directly infected by the birds.
The NHC said in its statement that he was admitted to the hospital earlier this month with fever and other symptoms. The boy’s family raised chickens at home and lived in an area populated by wild ducks.
It was a case of “one-way cross-species transmission” and said tests of close human contacts of the boy found “no abnormalities”.
Are people at risk of widespread H3N8 transmission?
Although there is no confirmed case so far, officials after analyzing the case of the young boy have said that there is a low risk of transmission among people.
In the initial assessment, the strain was found to have no “ability to effectively infect humans” and, therefore, cases of transmission between humans are extremely rare.
Which strains of bird flu infect humans?
The H5N1 and H7N9 strains of bird flu were detected in 1997 and 2013, respectively, which are responsible for most cases of human illness. bird feverAccording to the US Centers for Disease Control.
Human infections of zoonotic, or animal-borne, influenza “acquired primarily through direct contact with infected animals or contaminated environments, but do not result in efficient transmission of these viruses between people”, according to World Health Organization,
What animals does H3N8 usually infect?
It is known that this strain has been circulating since 2002, after it first emerged in North American waterfowl. It is known to infect horses, dogs and seals. Avian influenza mainly occurs in wild birds and poultry.
When did H3N8 first emerge?
In 2012, H3N8 was blamed for the deaths of more than 160 seals off the northeastern coast of the United States, as it caused fatal pneumonia in animals.
(with inputs from agencies)