Hackers used third party software administration rights to hit Ukrainian sites, says Kiev – Times of India

KYIV: Hackers launching attacks against Ukrainian government websites have used the software administration rights of a third party company developing the sites, a top Ukrainian security official told Reuters on Friday.
Serhi DemediyukiDeputy Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council said, Ukraine It was working to establish who gained such access, whether externally or through an insider.
The comments are the first detailed explanation of how several Ukrainian websites were affected by a cyberattack that left warnings to “fear and expect the worst”, at a time when Russia The army has gathered near the border of Ukraine.
“According to the preliminary findings of our experts … today’s attack was caused by a third party’s use of access to a company’s software administration rights, which had an advantage in developing websites for government agencies,” Demedyuk wrote in written comments. said in.
“The specified software has been used to build websites for government agencies since 2016, most of which fell victim to today’s incident,” it said. Demediuk, who used to be the head of Ukraine’s cyber police.
He did not name the third party company.
Ukraine said on Friday that the cyberattack attacked nearly 70 Internet sites of government bodies, including the Security and Defense Council.
Demedyuk said his statements were preliminary findings.
“But for a final conclusion, law enforcement agencies are required to conduct multiple investigations of the confiscated digital evidence, as well as to establish whether such privileges were obtained through outside interference or as a result of the illegal activities of an insider.” How and who has gained administrative access to this company,” he said.
Demediuk did not specify who might be behind the attack, although Ukraine’s foreign ministry and its state security service pointed to Russia’s suspicion.
Russia did not comment but has previously denied being behind cyber attacks against Ukraine.
