Hajj ktha kasak r p r se se se se se deceit chal chal rastas

this thing

New Delhi:

central one task Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi (Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi) It is said that after the running of Hetme, the dangerous Khan is not going to be beautiful or lean. The two in-playing training programs for Hays Cannons, Hays Accessibles, for Hayes-2022 will be similarly secure. Naqvi said that the hedge will average 10 Embark Points Points (to departure) from the hedge season for 2022 – Noida, Bangalore, Chachi, Delhi, Secunderabad, Kota, Ludhiana, Mumbai and Se. The same is starting from 4th June for hedges from India.

this also further

Weather like this will have weather updates running season by season.

In today’s time it will be more for India, quota two lakh million

Unusual, the dream of ‘Ease of Doing Hedge’ (transformed to Hajj) related to the 100% digitalization of the Hedge process is realized. Digital Haze is one of the ‘Digital India’. Nukivi said that problems, problems will be solved.

The age, according to the Government of India and the state of the environment as a whole, of 2022 haze, is in a state of deteriorating forever. This year this year 79,237 Muslims will be on the Hedge 2022. Specifically 50 percent are female. 56 thousand 601 through Hedge Exchange, Indian Hedge and 22,636 Hedge Mart, through ‘Hedge Grot Guns’ (HGO). Ben ‘Mehram’ (Family of men) is out of the outer environment. From the Arab side from an environmental point of view

See also this VIDEO- Hot and hot weather in Delhi causes pain in the weather.