Happy New Year 2022: New Year Greeting Card Ideas for 2022 – Times of India

2021 is finally over! Last year has been a great ride that was full of surprises and shocks. We all had our share of joys, sorrows, love and animosity. After a year of smiles, tears, laughter, health, illness and most importantly, another year of pandemic, we are finally entering 2022. The new year, though appears to be the harbinger of another wave of the pandemic, marks the beginning of another year. Which is a storehouse of new opportunities and new beginnings and you can make it as good as you want.

What better way to express your best wishes and spread happiness in the lives of your loved ones than with greeting cards? Adding a personal touch to your creativity and warm wishes, here are some great ideas for greeting cards for you that will make the day of you and your loved ones!

marble stationary card

This is a different and extremely unique way of making gifts for your loved ones. Did you know that you can create the look of marble on paper by using a combination of shaving cream and food coloring? Yes, it is an easy and exciting way to make the cover of your greeting card and add your wishes to complete the look.

a new year scroll
Instead of opting for the regular rectangular folded greeting card format, you can use this brand new but not unique format to convey your warm wishes to your loved ones. By cutting a vertical paper and rolling it into a cylindrical form to tie it with a ribbon, you will get the desired effect. The scroll can act as a list of things that you wish for your loved one in this upcoming year.

pop up card
These cards were popular in the olden days and are easy to make yourself. All you have to do is cut out a wish written on a rectangular piece of paper and stick one end of the card on the left page and the other on the right page. This way when the recipient opens the card, the wish will appear.

pressed flower card
Yes, you are on the right track! Pick up a flower and press it onto a sheet of paper and see yourself creating a masterpiece there. These cards are not only aesthetic but also a great way to gift two things at once!

washi tape card
Pretty and cheap, washi tape can brighten up any piece of paper you want. You can use tape for the sides of the card or make other pictures such as candles and lanterns by cutting out their shapes.

balloon string card
You can use a shovel or thread that can be used as balloon strings. The cover of the card will be cut out of a balloon and a shovel can be used to string which will give a three-dimensional effect to your card and add to its beauty.
