Hardeep Singh Puri

The information about the smart system is fully started and updated in the main environment on June 25, 2021. A good news person from your updated life.

Social, social, economic, social, social, social, social, social, social, social, social, social, social, social, social, social, social, social, social, social, social worker, will improve the pace of life. To develop into a smart one.”

48000 crore was offered over five years under the budget plan for the Government of India under the budget plan. Zodiac Matching by State/Solar Body (ULB).

This individual partnership area covers more than 5000 nationwide, compared to a total of more than ₹ 2,00,000 crore at the total level.

The position as on November 12, 2021 is Rs 1,84,998 crore. 5809 53,175 of 1,56,571 billion from the movie.

After the launch of the seed, according to the Government of India, a total of 272 after 100 have been 34. The report certifies the position of the management.


The manager has also done that Smart are experts in managing the crises of Next-19. Connected end centers are used as COVID-19 support in information, communication, administration and field.
