Harsh Goenka’s Tweet About His “Best Food Memories” Will Make You Nostalgic

Have you ever noticed that most of our fond memories are related to food? It is strange how we remember the taste as well as the aroma and surroundings of certain foods. Industrialist Harsh Goenka’s recent post on Twitter is one such example that will surely make you nostalgic. He shared an image of a meal which he said reminded him of his days traveling with his mother. On Twitter, he uploaded a picture of a toasted bread with butter and sugar sprinkled over it. There is also a cup of tea as well.

goenka captioned the post, “My best food memories are enjoying coarsely sliced ​​well buttered toast sprinkled with lots of sugar along with tea traveling on the train with my mom?”

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If it’s a food memory attached to his mother, we’re sure it’s very special to him! In the same post, he asked his followers about their best food memories. And he received many amusing responses. let’s take a look.

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Singer Adnan Sami shared a picture of a similar piece of bread, but with ‘malai’ on top. We see a lot of ‘cream’ spread on a toasted bread, which is sprinkled with sugar. A cup of tea is kept on the shore. Adnan Sami agreed with Goenka’s post, writing, “Actually…and add fresh ‘malai’ on top of that and you are in ‘heaven’!!!”

Another Twitter user commented, “Sunday fafda, jalebi and nylon khammam.” The user also posted a picture of a Gujarati breakfast which definitely consisted of the mentioned items – Fafda, Jalebi and Nylon Khammam. We can also witness some mouth-watering chutneys.

One user replied, “Breakfast in the pantry car at Deccan Queen – omelet and toast and a pot of English tea – with my dad – who introduced me to countless such sublime experiences! Missed forgotten people kissing (It made me nostalgic)!”

Two consumers accepted puri, fried potatoes and mango pickle. One wrote in the comment and the other put an adorable picture of the same.

So, what is your best food memory – something that takes you back to your childhood and reminds you of those bygone days?


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