Haryana: Case of 5000 year old city in Hisar, 11

This city of the Harappan period was a cobweb of vision aiding the healthy. Mound No. 3 is identified in the direction of well-being by climatic cleanliness. Here bricks of 5000 years ago, such earthen pots placed on drains and drains open many unresolved layers of ancient history.

Kumar Sourav was also an expert in the science department. There was a developmental system of water in the Harappan period. Land, like a pot of drains, from a soak pit that was there before the drains broke down.

Underneath the dunes of Rapak kanak , there is a kir and r pak se se se se se se r bani bani bani bani bani se se se se se se se se se se se se se se se se se se sa Whether it was what was in this food or whether it worked in any way is a matter of research.

The confirmation of the last rites of a Harappan human body at Mound No 7 of Rakhigarhi is alive. Recently growing in the body of women. In the case of the body being unbalanced due to being unbalanced. Vaidya means that whatever food was of choice, it was kept along with the doctor. Bhaskar called.

There are heaps on the earth. Men’s fast runners are the ones flying in the air whenever you want, after you’ve entered the air. During the pollen season ((stents) made of clay.

To be healthy To stay healthy. It’s presex infected which makes it better for sleeping, which is kind of infected.

The Government of India has given Rahigarhi the status of an Iconic Site of the Harappan period. One shared as well.

Kumar Manjul, the uniform of the Variety of Vividhes, said that the Indian dwarf remains on the culture of the Harappan period. ️ Civilization we are working on.

It comes in a state of perishability as it deteriorates after these spoilage. The entirety of the Harappan period to this modern period.