Havana syndrome: CIA officer reports symptoms of Havana syndrome on trip to India: Report | India News – Times of India

Washington: A CIA the officer who was traveling with the agency director William Burns Similar symptoms reported in India for this month Havana Syndrome, CNN and the New York Times reported on Monday.
CNN, citing unnamed sources, reported that the victim, who was not identified, had to seek medical help.
Some 200 US officials and family members have become ill Havana syndrome, a mysterious set of illnesses that includes migraines, nausea, memory lapses and dizziness. It was first reported in 2016 by officials based at the US Embassy in Cuba.

A CIA spokesman said in a statement to Reuters that the agency does not comment on specific incidents or officials. “We have protocols in place for when individuals report potentially unusual health events, including receiving appropriate medical treatment,” the spokesperson said.
Last month, Vice President Kamala Harris There was a three-hour delay in arriving in Hanoi after the US embassy said someone with Havana syndrome had reported a health incident.
Burns said in July he tapped a senior official who once headed a task force investigating the syndrome to lead the search for Osama bin Laden.
The US National Academy of Sciences panel found that the most plausible theory is that “directed, pulsed radio frequency energy” causes the syndrome.
Burns has stated that there is a “very strong possibility” that the syndrome is intentional and that Russia may be responsible.


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