HD Kumaraswamy urges government to initiate action against MES workers

Former Chief Minister HD Kumaraswamy urged the Karnataka government to initiate action against the workers of Maharashtra Integration Committee (MES) for allegedly disturbing the peace and insulting Kannada.

“MES, which has suffered electoral defeat in recent years, is indulging in actions threatening to disturb the peace in Belagavi for Kannada Rajyotsava celebrations. It is indulging in acts which are insulting the pride of Kannada and Kannada,” tweeted the former chief minister.

He further said, “MES workers are insulting the Karnataka government, and inciting Kannada people in recent times. They have called the Karnataka government useless while demanding that the government keep documents in Marathi. It is condemnable that they have Have raised slogans of Jai Maharashtra. MES has been politically isolated in Belagavi, but creating confusion among people,” he said, adding that it is creating trouble in Belagavi, which is known for linguistic tolerance. goes.

Mr Kumaraswamy said that the state government should not ignore these developments and take action.


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