‘He instigated migrants to defy COVID lockdown’: PM Modi attacks Congress, attacks AAP India News – Times of India

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday launched a massive campaign against Congress In the Lok Sabha and accused the grand old party of using the corona pandemic for political gains.
He also took a dig at the Congress and its leadership and said, “Don’t show them the mirror or they will break it.”
PM Modi He cited Jawaharlal Nehru several times in his speech to counter the Congress’ attack on his government and his policies.
‘Congress, AAP exasperated the migrants covid pandemic,
PM Modi accused the Congress and the Aam Aadmi Party government in Delhi of instigating migrants to defy the restrictions of Kovid during the pandemic.
“The Congress has crossed all limits during the corona crisis,” the PM said, adding that it has committed ‘paap’ (sin) and ‘mahapradhan’ by putting migrant laborers in trouble.
He accused the grand old party of providing free tickets to migrants and laborers in Mumbai to flee the city so as to create havoc in the country.
The Prime Minister also targeted the Aam Aadmi Party government in Delhi for spreading fear among migrants in the national capital and inciting them to trek to their home towns.
PM Modi said, ‘Kovid had not spread till then in states like Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Uttarakhand. However, after this the infection spread rapidly in these states.
He said, “Some people in the Congress were hoping that my image would be tarnished by the corona pandemic and the BJP government would be drowned.”
‘State after state has thrown out Congress’
PM Modi said that many states had thrown out the Congress many years ago but some leaders of the party are still stuck in 2014.
PM Modi said, “Telangana was created, but the people of the state did not support him. He created Jharkhand but could not form the government on his own in the state till now.”
PM Modi said, “Nagaland voted for Congress 24 years ago, Odisha voted for you 27 years ago. You won Goa 28 years ago with absolute majority. Tripura voted for Congress in 1988. West Bengal had voted for the Congress in 1972.”
PM Modi said, “People have rejected you state after state. Despite such defeat, your arrogance does not end.”
‘He has vowed not to return to power for the next 100 years’
The Prime Minister also took a dig at the Congress leadership and said that when I hear some of their statements and the kind of issues raised, I think they have decided that they have resolved not to come to power for the next 100 years.
Some opposition leaders enjoy spreading fear among the youth and businessmen of the country.
He slammed Rahul Gandhi for referring to some industrialists as coronavirus variants and wondered how a leader could make such a statement.
Rahul Gandhi during his speech had referred to the two industrialists as Covid variants who were reaping all the benefits with the help of the government.
PM Modi also targeted the Congress for making fun of the “Make in India” programme.
PM Modi said, “Make in India program was troubling some parties like Congress as it closed the doors of corruption.”
“They made fun of Make in India but today they have become a joke,” he said.
Former Congress President Rahul Gandhi in his speech had said that the Make in India program will not succeed as the government has killed the unorganized sector and medium and small scale industries.
‘Nehru used the Korean War as a pretext for inflation’
Responding to the opposition’s attacks on rising prices, PM Modi said inflation was in double digits during the Congress rule.
He quoted a few lines from Jawaharlal Nerhu’s speech and said that the country’s first prime minister had once blamed the Korean War for justifying inflation in the country.
PM Modi said, ‘Nehru had also said that any kind of disturbance in America causes inflation.
“India faced double-digit inflation during the UPA years, with the government then admitting that it could not contain inflation,” he said.
PM Modi said, “Congress won many elections because of its ‘Garibi Hatao’ slogan but failed to do so. Then the poor of this country voted for them.”
‘Divide and rule is in the DNA of Congress, has become the leader of tudke-tudke gang’
Prime Minister Narendra Modi accused the Congress of using “divide and rule” policy to further its politics and said that the oldest party has become the leader of the “tukde tukde gang” today.
The PM pulled up the Congress for doing politics to hurt Tamil sentiments. “I want to salute the citizens of Tamil Nadu, who lined the streets for hours to pay tribute to CDS General Bipin Rawat,” he said.
The PM said, ‘Congress is used to doing divisive politics and is sowing seeds of separatism in India.
