Head, neck cancer high in Hyderabad Old City; HHF steps in with palliative care services

The incidence of head and neck cancer is high in the old city of Hyderabad, according to the findings of a survey conducted by Telangana-based NGO Helping Hand Foundation (HHF). The survey states that 1 in 3 men in the old city suffer from Oral Potentially Malignant Disorder (OPMD).

Based on the survey, HHF has initiated palliative care services for patients suffering from end-of-life illnesses, especially for the underprivileged and vulnerable sections of the society who do not have adequate access to such services. The palliative care program will not only cover cancer but a wide range of end stage diseases and conditions like kidney, heart and liver diseases, neurological disorders, chronic bedsores, diabetic foot ulcers etc.

Dr Anjana Surat, who leads the programme, said: “Our approach to palliative care at HHF is to reach the sickest and most vulnerable patients and create a holistic approach to tackle stigma, social isolation, physical and emotional well-being, fear. and anxiety through counseling, off-course pain management, and other clinical treatments.”

The first level of assessment and consultation will be done virtually through a video call by palliative care counselors and doctors. Once the patient is assessed, a plan will be made for the management of the disease, which will include online consultations, inpatient care and home care services.

“On our list, we already have over 100 patients suffering from end-stage conditions. Most of them undergo futile treatment at ineffective cost because the idea of ​​palliative care is poorly understood, said Mujtaba Hasan Askari of HHF.