Headless frog jumping through hot chili oil in Chinese restaurant scares diners

Dining out can be exciting, especially when you’re looking to try something exotic. As the Daily Star reports, for one man in China, his excitement soon turned to nausea when a headless frog jumped out of a pot of hot chili oil on the table. The unique eating experience was captured on tape and later shared on TikTok, the Chinese version of Douyin. Reportedly, the customer had ordered a local delicacy with bullfrogs marinated in chili oil and peppercorns and would have expected it to be served fresh.

But, the restaurant, located in the city of Chengdu in southwest China’s Sichuan province, not only kept the dish fresh but also kept its ingredients alive.

In the sickening video, the headless and skinless frog can be seen with other food on the dinner plate. But, as the person zooms in, the frog is seen moving and moving its legs back and forth. Soon, Bullfrog’s jerks intensify and he manages to slide off the plate as if he were trying to escape. The marinated frog then lands on the table while its legs move.

The clip went viral on the Chinese stage and prompted viewers to search for a place to throw the throwback. Many felt disgusted while some even thought of giving up meat and becoming a vegetarian. One user even jokingly said that ‘fresh food’ is served to the eaters in the restaurant.

One user tagged the living dead frog as “zombie frog” and vowed to never eat anything like it. Another user was moved by the frog’s unsuccessful escape attempt and said that he could feel its pain through the video.

This is not the first time that something meant to eat has jumped off the plate. Earlier, in a restaurant in China, a fish jumped from a bowl. The video shows the ‘zombie’ fish wagging its tail before leaping onto the table and breathing out. As reported by Metro.co.uk, the diners watching the incident were shocked and were forced to get up from their seats.

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