Healthy Diet: 5 Reasons Why You Should Be Drinking Wheatgrass Daily

Let’s start with what wheatgrass is. Wheatgrass is a form of food that is produced from the Triticum aestivum plant. It is a super food that is loaded with nutrients and has amazing health benefits. Usually, wheatgrass is consumed in the form of fresh juice; However it is also available in powder form and can be added to your protein shakes and smoothies. It can be consumed as a daily health tonic and helps in maintaining overall health. Apart from this, fresh wheatgrass juice is also known to help treat specific ailments.

Read also: Here’s How Wheatgrass Juice Can Help You Detox

Here are 5 reasons to drink wheatgrass daily:

1. Wheatgrass is a Super Food

Although wheatgrass is difficult to digest, but if it suits then it acts like a superfood. Wheatgrass is packed with a strong combo of nutrients. Its nutritional value itself makes it an extremely useful food for good health. It provides many therapeutic benefits and is also known as complete nutrition. The potent combination of nutrients and vitamins makes wheatgrass a great choice for promoting health and wellbeing. Wheatgrass is loaded with antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

It contains:

  • calcium
  • iron
  • magnesium
  • Vitamins A, C, E, K, and B Complex
  • protein
  • enzymes
  • 17 amino acids
  • chlorophyll
  • phytonutrients

2. It Helps Digestion

Wheatgrass is packed with high levels of enzymes that help the body break down complex food into simpler substances and absorb nutrients. It helps in digestion.

Wheatgrass has a detox effect that cleanses the intestines. As a result, the person experiences less bloating, gas and abdominal discomfort. It also helps in relieving irritable bowel syndrome, constipation and other digestive problems.

3. It can eliminate toxins

The nutrients present in abundance in wheatgrass help the body get rid of accumulated toxins and impurities. As such, the chlorophyll present in wheatgrass aids in detoxification of the body and helps support healthy liver function. Once the body is cleared of all impurities, one can experience increased energy levels and overall better health.

4. It Boosts Immunity System

Wheatgrass enhances the functions of the immune system. It can help the body fight and get rid of infections and diseases. Also, when the immune system is performing at a great level one feels much better and energized. Even if someone is diagnosed with some sort of illness, having a strong immune system will help them recover more quickly.

5. It Boosts Metabolism

Drinking wheatgrass juice daily accelerates metabolism and helps in reducing weight. Wheatgrass juice is a great option if one is planning to lose weight, as wheatgrass is very low in calories and does not contain fat.

Wheatgrass is one such food that is rich in many nutrients. It makes many people feel full for a long time after drinking a glass of it. This can eventually help in reducing the cravings and hence, result in weight loss.

tips to remember

I. Be sure to buy wheatgrass from a trusted supplier. This may be a reputable health shop. Ask the supplier whether the plants from which the wheatgrass is derived were properly and carefully grown and cleaned. It helps to eliminate the possibility of harmful bacteria and mold present in the plants.

II When one first starts consuming wheatgrass, start with a small dosage and gradually increase the amount to meet the recommended requirement. This will help the body adapt itself to digest the wheatgrass.

iii. Wheatgrass is available in both liquid and powder form. A typical liquid dose should be about 1 oz. A typical dose of churna should be 1 teaspoon or about 3 to 5 grams. Drinking a glass of water after consuming wheatgrass will help reduce the risk of side effects from wheatgrass.

Possible side effects include:

  • Headache
  • upset stomach
  • Fever
  • Getting nausea
  • Constipation

The symptoms mentioned above usually go away within 2 to 2.5 weeks, or as the body adjusts to digesting wheatgrass.

iv. If someone is pregnant or lactating, they should not consume wheatgrass. Allergic reactions are possible in some people, especially those who are allergic to wheat or grass. If someone has celiac disease, a blood disorder or gluten intolerance, wheatgrass can affect them differently, too.

About the author: Ms. Manisha Chopra – Nutritionist, Dietitian and Health Specialist

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