Healthy Diet Tips: 5 Best Vitamin B12 Rich Foods for Vegetarians

With a sudden nudge in the wind, we can already feel that winter has arrived. It is that time of the year when we can enjoy chilly evenings, warm and cozy blankets, delicious hot chocolates, cakes, puddings and much more. But before everything else, what is most important is maintaining a good health. Colds bring along many health issues – the most common ones being cold, cough, sore throat, etc. Which is why, experts suggest loading up on healthy nutrients to boost immunity against seasonal diseases. One such essential nutrient is vitamin B12. It is considered to be one of the most important nutrients our body needs for its active functioning. Deficiency of vitamin B12 leads to tiredness, fatigue, lethargy etc. Also known as cobalamin, it helps boost metabolism and immunity.

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Since the human body does not produce vitamin B12, experts suggest including it through a healthy diet. But a major concern is that vegetarians (and vegetarians) often face vitamin B12 deficiency, as the most popular sources of this nutrient are eggs, chicken, beef, etc. According to Dr. Ritika Sammadar of Max Healthcare, Saket, New Delhi, “Vegetarians and vegetarians should take special care of their diet. They should include vitamin-fortified foods in their daily diet to avoid vitamin B12 deficiency. should do.”

Keeping this in mind, we have compiled a list of some vitamin B12-rich vegetarian foods that can be a part of your daily diet. let’s take a look.

Spinach is a good source of vitamin B12.

Foods Rich in Vitamin B12: Here are 5 vegetarian food options for you:

1. Spinach:

Known as a superfood, spinach is a storehouse of nutrients that help in your overall development. And the best part is, you can use it to make a variety of recipes—from smoothies to soups—and enjoy all day long.

2. Beetroot:

Apart from being rich in iron, beetroot is also considered a storehouse of vitamin B12. This is the reason why experts suggest including beetroot in your daily diet for a healthy and nutritious diet.

3. Chickpeas:

Chana is the best option for those who do not eat chicken. Apart from vitamin B12, it is packed with fiber, protein and many other essential nutrients that make chickpeas an ideal choice to include in your diet.


Yogurt is full of health benefits.

4. Yogurt:

Yogurt has always been touted as a gut-health wonder thanks to probiotics. But did you know that low-fat yogurt is also rich in vitamin B12? He is not everything. Apart from yogurt, you will also find adequate amounts of this vitamin in low-fat milk/cheese. And for vegetarians, you can replace paneer with tofu and milk with soy milk.

5. Whey:

Do you throw away the buttermilk water after the milk has burst? If yes, then you should give second thought as this water is rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals. You can use this whey water for cooking dal, for kneading dough.

Eat healthy, stay fit!

Disclaimer: This content, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your doctor for more details. NDTV does not take responsibility for this information.
