Heat wave, low-burning disturbance, flash floods and high-intensity fires in India: UN report on precipitation changes

The United Nations agency World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in its report has said that real-time data from specific locations shows that the increase in the levels of three trace gases – carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous – is continuing in 2022 as well. .

Drought, floods and heatwaves have affected communities on every continent, including India, and cost billions of dollars, the report said. The report states that Antarctic sea ice has fallen to its lowest level on record. The melting charts of some European glaciers are off.

Global in the last eight years average temperature Highest on record. In the year 2022 it was 1.15°C above the 1850-1900 average.

“Populations around the world are being severely affected by extreme weather and destruction events as greenhouse gas emissions continue to document and survive the rise,” WMO Secretary General Peteri Taalas said in a statement today.

Record-breaking heat affects millions in Europe
Glaucus said, “For example, persistent drought in East Africa in 2022, record-breaking rainfall in Pakistan, and record-breaking heatwaves in China and Europe are expected to affect millions of people. This has led to increased consumer vulnerability, mass migration, and damage.” Billions of dollars have been spent since.”

The magazine’s arrival in India was earlier in 2022 and the return was later than usual, the report said. In pre-monsoon period in India and neighboring country Pakistan intense heat Was.

The report said that the extreme heat led to low breakage of grains and many cloud fires, especially in the hilly state of Uttarakhand.

Deterioration in the state of partnership between India and Pakistan
The WMI report states that, “The heatwave in the 2022 pre-monsoon season in India and Pakistan caused a breakdown of rice. This led to a complete ban. Rice speech in India after conflict broke out in Ukraine.” Banned.

India was flooded in different phases during the profusion season. Especially in June 2022, more than 700 people died due to floods and tremors in the North East. More than 900 people died due to lightning during this season.


Longest heatwave in China
China witnessed the most widespread and prolonged heatwave since national records were recorded. It was moved from mid-June to late August 2022. This resulted in the fastest warming ever recorded with a temperature difference of more than 0.5 degrees Celsius. It was also the second hottest drought ever on record. Smaller parts of southern China (apart from Guangdong province) experienced 20 percent to 50 percent less than the corresponding annual average.

Europe also faced several heatwaves. During the three months of summer in Europe, severe heat conditions are becoming worse every month. The report says that about 4,600 people have died in Spain during the summer. The unusual heat was behind the deaths of 4,500 people in Germany, 2,800 people aged 65 and over in the UK, 2,800 in France and 1,000 in Portugal. The most dangerous heatwave has been observed in the middle of July 2022.