Here’s a Great Recipe for Homemade Vegetable Stock

Winter is approaching and hence our desire is to dig into nutritious soups and other such hot dishes. Vegetable broth is one of the most commonly used ingredients to make them. do you agree? It is also a better alternative to water as it holds together the goodness of many vegetables and thus, a lot of nutrients. Hence, many people go for store-bought vegetable stock. But, if you can make some fresh stock at home why would you? Struggling with the recipe? Do not care. Chef Guntas Sethi has shared a finger-licking alternative to vegetable broth on Instagram.

In the caption, the chef wrote, “To all those who are in a pinch for this one recipe. It’s a staple in my kitchen and is always a good use for soups and gravy!”

Guntas Sethi also mentioned, “Stocks add a deep and rich flavor to your food and make it easy to cook!”

Vegetable Stock Recipe I How to make Veg Broth:


  • Onion (thinly sliced) – 2
  • Mushrooms (cubed) – 8 to 10
  • Spring onion –
  • Carrot (roughly chopped) – 2
  • Green stalks (leeks) – 2
  • Celery – 3 stalks
  • thyme sprigs – 2 to 3
  • bay leaves – 2
  • Black pepper – 7 to 8
  • Garlic –
  • water – 2 liters
  • coriander leaves

How to make vegetable stock:

Step 1: Take a vessel, add coarsely chopped onions, green onions, garlic, mushrooms, carrots, leek, black pepper and mix them all together.

Step 2: Add some boiling hot water to it. Boil it with some bay leaves and fresh sprigs of thyme.

Step 3: Mix it well and add some coriander and ajwain to it. Bring it to a boil and then, bring it to a boil. Cover it and let it cook for 45 minutes to 1 hour, till all the flavors are mixed well.

Step 4: Filter it through a mesh cloth and sieve and your vegetable stock is ready.

Chef Guntas Sethi often shares delicious and interesting recipes on Instagram. Once upon a time, he showed how to make a worthy Aloo Chaat Dip, via a video. For this, you have to take boiled potatoes and add some spices including oil, salt, red chili powder, cumin powder, mint powder and chaat masala. Put it in the air fryer and fry it till it becomes golden and crispy. Take out the curd in a bowl and add sugar, cumin powder, mint powder, red chili powder, cumin powder, chaat masala and some salt to it. Now, assemble the dip. Place the curd preparation at the bottom in a container and spread some green chutney on top. Spread some tamarind chutney over it. Layer it with air-fried potatoes. Garnish it with some crushed papdi and repeat the same step. Finally, garnish the dish with some sev, chilli powder, cumin powder, pomegranate seeds and fresh chopped coriander leaves.

Don’t forget to make these recipes at home and share your feedback with us.

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